Drought Risk Managment Laboratory 

Dr. Won-Ho Nam
School of Social Safety and Systems Engineering, Hankyong National University
Research Interests
Irrigation and drainage, Agricultural drought, Water resources management, Reservoir operation, Climate change, Remote sensing, Risk and vulnerability management
Tel: 82-31-670-5137
Ph.D., Agricultural and Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2008 ~ Feb. 2013)
- Dissertation: Sustainability and operations evaluation of agricultural reservoirs based on probability theory
M.S., Agricultural and Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2006 ~ Feb. 2008)
- Thesis: Development of web-based GIS for hydrological and meteorological data provision in real time
B.S., Agricultural Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2002 ~ Feb. 2006)
Academic Positions
Associate Professor, School of Social Safety and Systems Engineering, Hankyong National University, Anseong, Republic of Korea (Apr. 2020 ~ Present)
Director, National Agricultural Water Research Center, Hankyong National University, Anseong, Republic of Korea (Dec. 2019 ~ Present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioresources and Rural Systems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Hankyong National University, Anseong, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2016 ~ Mar. 2020)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, National Drought Mitigation Center, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (Advisor: Dr. Michael J. Hayes) (Dec. 2014 ~ Feb. 2016)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (Advisor: Dr. Guillermo A. Baigorria) (Apr. 2014 ~ Mar. 2015)
Visiting Post-Doctoral Research Associate, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (Advisor: Dr. Donald A. Wilhite) (Dec. 2013 ~ Nov. 2014)
Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar. 2013 ~ Nov. 2013)
Professional Affiliations, Appointments, and Activities
Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE), Life-time member since 2006
Korean National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (KCID), Life-time member since 2007
Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA), Life-time member since 2008
Korean Society of Rural Planning (KSRP), member since 2016
Korean Society of Climate Change Research (KSCC), member since 2016
Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KSHM), Life-time member since 2019
Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), member since 2019
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASABE), member since 2007
International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES), member since 2008
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), member since 2011
American Geophysical Union (AGU), member since 2015
Water for Food at the University of Nebraska, member since 2017
American Meteorological Society (AMS), member since 2019
Awards and Honors
Conference Paper Award in May 2024, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA)
Recognition Award in Jan. 2024, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA)
Recognition Award in Dec. 2023, Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC)
Outstanding Paper Award in Oct. 2023, Paddy and Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES) (3 papers)
Conference Paper Award in Oct. 2023, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE) (4 papers)
Conference Paper Award in May 2023, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA) (5 papers)
Best Research Professor Award in Apr. 2023, Hankyong National University
Young Professional Award in Mar. 2023, Korean National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (KCID)
Academic Paper Award in Feb. 2023, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KOSHAM)
Young Professional Award in Nov. 2022, International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES)
Conference Paper Award in Oct. 2022, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE) (3 papers)
Best Paper & Poster Presentation in Oct. 2022, 73rd International Executive Council Meetings (IEC), 24th International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) (2 papers)
Conference Paper Award in May 2022, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA) (2 papers)
Best Research Professor Award in Apr. 2022, Hankyong National University
Conference Paper Award in Feb. 2022, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KSHM) (3 papers)
Conference Paper Award in Nov. 2021, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE) (5 papers)
Conference Paper Award in Sep. 2021, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KSHM) (2 papers)
Best Academic Award in Apr. 2021, Hankyong National University
Best Research Professor Award in Apr. 2021, Hankyong National University
Conference Paper Award in Aug. 2020, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KSHM) (2 papers)
Best Performing Committee Award in Jul. 2020, Korean National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (KCID)
Conference Paper Award in Nov. 2019, Korean Society of Climate Change Research (KSCC)
Conference Paper Award in Nov. 2019, International Symposium on Agricultural Development and Cooperation
Young Scientist Award in Oct. 2019, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE)
Conference Paper Award in Oct. 2019, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE) (2 papers)
Achievement Award in June 2019, Afghanistan Embassy
Best Research Professor Award in Apr. 2019, Hankyong National University
Conference Paper Award in Nov. 2018, KOICA-KU International Agricultural Conference
Conference Paper Award in Nov. 2018, International Symposium on Agricultural Development and Cooperation
Young Researchers Award in Oct. 2018, International Conference on Energy and Sustainability (ICES)
Conference Paper Award in May 2018, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA) (2 papers)
Conference Paper Award in Oct. 2017, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE)
Conference Paper Award in Oct. 2016, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE)
Conference Paper Award in Sep. 2012, Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE)
Conference Paper Award in May 2012, Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA)
Conference Paper Award in Sep. 2009, Chuncheon Global Water Forum